Using Custom lapel pins are powerful tools if you’re looking to maximize your profits while fundraising. Recently, I was solicited over the phone to donate money for the construction of a new cardiac unit at my local hospital, and while speaking with the solicitor, was invited to a social event planned for all of the contributors. The solicitor further explained that she wanted to send me a lapel pin, and requested that I wear it at the event. Naturally, I inquired as to the significance of the lapel pin, and was informed that it was a custom designed pin of the hospital’s logo that would allow me entrance at the door, and also signify to other attendees the size of my donation. A $100 donation earned me a bronze pin; a $200 donation earned me a silver pin; and a $250 donation allowed me to be a big shot, and earned me a gold pin.
Lapel Pin FundraisersWell, not only did I think of the event as a night out, but also, I figured I’d use it as a chance to network. I didn’t want to be labeled the “cheap guy” while trying to network myself as the entrepreneur of the year, so I opted for the gold pin in the spirit of giving, and in an attempt to be well-perceived.
I was actually shocked that evening: Out of the 400 people that showed up to the event, there were very few bronze pins being worn, almost no silver pins, and over 95% gold pins being worn. I thought, “Wow, what a great fundraising marketing campaign… The other contributors must have fallen in line with the same philosophy.” Needless to say, construction has already begun for the new unit.
In a world of “Perception is reality”, this fundraising marketing technique was truly a winner.
Using Custom lapel pins are powerful tools if you’re looking to maximize your profits while fundraising. Recently, I was solicited over the phone to donate money for the construction of a new cardiac unit at my local hospital, and while speaking with the solicitor, was invited to a social event planned for all of the contributors. The solicitor further explained that she wanted to send me a lapel pin, and requested that I wear it at the event. Naturally, I inquired as to the significance of the lapel pin, and was informed that it was a custom designed pin of the hospital’s logo that would allow me entrance at the door, and also signify to other attendees the size of my donation. A $100 donation earned me a bronze pin; a $200 donation earned me a silver pin; and a $250 donation allowed me to be a big shot, and earned me a gold pin.

Lapel Pin FundraisersWell, not only did I think of the event as a night out, but also, I figured I’d use it as a chance to network. I didn’t want to be labeled the “cheap guy” while trying to network myself as the entrepreneur of the year, so I opted for the gold pin in the spirit of giving, and in an attempt to be well-perceived.
I was actually shocked that evening: Out of the 400 people that showed up to the event, there were very few bronze pins being worn, almost no silver pins, and over 95% gold pins being worn. I thought, “Wow, what a great fundraising marketing campaign… The other contributors must have fallen in line with the same philosophy.” Needless to say, construction has already begun for the new unit.
In a world of “Perception is reality”, this fundraising marketing technique was truly a winner.